Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dylan's Birthday

  My oldest son Dylan, who turned 18, asked me to make a Shadow Hawk cake for his birthday. I am very use to getting strange requests from him, and always of some type of very unique vehicle that most people have never heard of. Last year I made 3 crazy vehicles for his cake so I'm thankful he only asked for one this year. 

So what is a Shadow Hawk? Well, I can't really tell you, but here is a picture of it. Everytime I refer to it as a car I am very quickly corrected.  

Here is my version. I had drawn this car/ tank/ thingy, out on paper much better. My design gets lost in translation somewhere from the paper to the cake. I'm thinking I will just stick with drawing. On the cake, my vehicle turned out more like a hot rod than a shadow hawk, but Dylan liked it so I was happy.

  I was dealing with a migraine for the most part of working on this cake. At one point I had to go rest on the couch for a little while because I was just feeling too bad. Faith says to me, "I have an idea! How about you rest and I can finish the cake?" lol   The scary part is that I actually considered it. She is only 4, so if I had we would be seeing very different looking pictures right now.  

                       We had some speed bumps on our road and the speed limit was of course 18 mph.

And here's the birthday boy. Happy Birthday Dylan! I love you more than I can even say and I hope you had a GREAT birthday!

Friday, August 12, 2011

My Cake Hobby

I was in a local craft store and had turned down the cake supply isle, standing there were these two women, who were both just staring at all the stuff on the shelves, not saying a word. They had this deer in the headlights kind of look about them. I politely reached around them to get the couple of items I needed. But right before I walked away, one of them said to the other, "no wonder cakes are so expensive".  The other one says," yeah, maybe we would be better off to just pay someone else to make this thing after all". I thought to myself, "yes you would!"

It is very hard to actually make money on these outrageous custom detailed cakes. That is why cake making is now just an occasional hobby for me. It is way tooo expensive not to even mention time-consuming. I will always make my kids birthday cakes and I'm sure other personal treats here and there. I am preparing for my oldest son's birthday right now. My kids birthdays are very special to me and I want to make them as special as I can for them too. Pictures will be posted of course, of whatever we come up with.

But for anyone who may not understand why I don't make cakes anymore, I suggest just trying to make one of them for yourself. You probably will change your mind when you see everything you need to purchase even before all the work can begin. Crazy!!